Friday, January 25, 2008

My Life's Meaning

What I value most in my life is love. When we come to this word, we think of our family and friends. They are the most important people with whom we share our happiness and sorrow. It's also important to love our occupation. That's what we are doing every day. More often than not, we get frustrated when there is so many problems waiting to be solved. If we learn to love our job and take an interest in it, we will most probably find that things are getting better. And nature, God's most precious gift for human being, should be appreciated. Going for a walk in the forest and taking a deep breath can let you forget about all the trouble. When we love others, we are at the same time being loved. We know that we are never alone and life becomes easier and happier. When you see that all the flowers are smiling, the world becomes more beautiful!


Sweetie said...

love...The same feeling with me. But I sometimes feel guilty because of love. Being abroad, studying in one of the most famous university, we should try our best. So let's all work harder.o(∩_∩)o...

See Kee said...

hmm... love is indeed an important aspect of our life. Without love, life will be dull and boring. When our love is reciprocated, we would feel happy and feel that there's meaning to our lives. Thus, we should appreciate the love we receive from other people and love them back even more! =)