Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Revision of the 3rd Paragragh

"Green" is often used for a person who cares a lot about our environment. Compared to a person who is not green, a green person is definitely more concerned about consumption. In daily life, a green person will seldom use plastic bags as they can not be easily recycled and reused. However, ungreen people usually prefer plastic bags for convenience. They may even throw away plastic bags that are used only once. When in restaurant, a green person is most likely to order no more than he or she can have. In case some food remains, the remaining food is often taken home. For the ungreen, when much food is left over, they never feel ashamed and instead, think it is OK as long as they have payed for the food. In addition, green people take a more positive attitude towards searching for new ways to save resources and energy. Zero-waste scheme and development of new energy are both good examples of how we can reduce consumption of natural resources. In contrast, an ungreen person never bothers himself with these questions and just leave them to others, or maybe to our future generations. Everybody wants a green and nice world, but if we are not green ourselves, how can we make our world green? We should realize that everybody should take the responsibility to save our world and then, the green world is just around the corner.


zhuchi said...

i think you almost write the same with me -__-#

Jason said...

green person...
hum, i always think about how could we say a person green
because you know, sometimes if a person is too'green', it is not good to the world
therefore, i think if we really want to protect our world, the most important thing is to choose, is to distinguish what is the problem we should put our effort, then, do our best, otherthan doing everything by impulsion

Sweetie said...

I also wrint the green people. But I don't always act like a green person... XI XI..^_^

chee hong said...

Its easy to identify the traits of a 'green' person,but being one is another totally different issue. So lets do our part to keep the enviroment clean...:)

Li Yuanlong said...

Why we need to comment this kind of things?
After all, I think your paragraph is very good and the 'green' people are good.I hope myself to be a green person.