Saturday, April 12, 2008

Revision of Timed Essay

"Let's face our life with a smile!" This is the saying that I value most in my life. Life always has ups and downs. When are left in pain, it is vital for us to take a positive attitude. The "positivity" effect leads to better health and a longer life because positive people will be less worried in the face of adversity and more likely to find solutions to problems they have encountered.

Firstly, by taking a positive attitude towards life, especially unfortunate happenings, one will have a better mood and life will be easier and happier. A famous story in China says that an old woman had two daughters, of whom one made a living by selling rain boots and the other by selling fans. When it was raining, the old woman worried that her first daughter could not sell any boots. When it was sunny, the old woman worried that her second daughter could make little money. So she worried all day and finally died of hypochondria. The story has a sad ending. However, if the old woman had been positive and thought in the opposite way, she would not have died that way. Instead, she would have lived a happy life. The story shows that one can be much happier and life can turn out to be much better if one can take a positive attitude. The "positivity" effect leads to emotional health, which is as important as physical health. Moreover, without emotional health, people can hardly gain physical health. They will easily feel worried and stressed. Once people become positive towards life, they are most likely to have better health and thus, a longer life.

Secondly, it is easier for a person with a positive attitude to remain calm and find out ways to solve the problem. In most cases, we can not be truly relaxed unless the problem is solved from root. However, if we always take a negative attitude, we will always feel depressed and stay in a panic. Thus, our mind will never be clear and we will never be able to find a solution to the problem. In addition, the situation can be worse. We may even lose our mind and lose control of ourselves, which may result in greater pain. So, it is significant to be positive in order to solve the problem. Once we have solved the problem, the stress will be taken off our hearts and we will feel much better, which will lead to better health and a longer life.

In conclusion, a positive attitude helps us to be happier and we are also more likely to find good solutions to our problems. Then we can have better health both emotionally and physically and lead to a better life. Life is like a mirror. If we give it a smile, it will give us a smile!

1 comment:

zhuchi said...

i agree with you, a positive attitude to life is very important!!